Sunday, June 26, 2016

Avocado Toast (not-Overpriced)


So the other day I went to Manhattan Beach Bread & Bagel and had this AMAZING Avocado Toast, but it was almost $10??? A little pricey for toast  & avocado, but it was ridiculous how good (and healthy) it was. So here is my recipe for Avocado Toast which is equally delicious, very quick, & less expensive .:)

Step 1: Toast your bread or bagel. Usually I use this whole grain one with Chia seeds from Trader Joe's, but I'll use a bagel if I run out of the other. 

Step 2: Cut out half an avocado and roughly chop into little bits. Then, put the avocado onto you toast/bagel.

Step 3: Sprinkle on some "Rustic Tuscan Seasoning" from Costco. This is an absolute essential and I would 1000% invest in it. It's delicious. 

Step 4: Sprinkle on some salt & pepper. 

Step 5: Take a picture, post it onto your Snap story, and enjoy. 

That's literally it. And it's perfect. I think I've eaten it for breakfast every single day since last Monday. If you want to bless your soul/heart/stomach, try it. 

Pepper, Seasoning, and Salt.
Half eaten avocado BAGEL.

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