Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Video Journals: Summer & Senior Year

Hi again.

So I really like documenting my life through diaries or this blog--I think its so fun to look back and see my perspectives and thoughts on things earlier in my life. I also like photography and filming things. And thus, my video journals were born. I already posted my first summer video below, but here are both playlists for Summer 2016 and the beginning of my Senior Year.

To my future self: Enjoy and feel free to get sentimental. Applaud younger self for music choices.

Summer Video Journals

Senior Year Video Journals

You can move through the different videos on the right hand side!


Breaking Up w/ Volleyball & Things I Love


So I feel like I've been just so consumed with college applications and all my classes and Senior Year and just everything--I honestly just want to write. I'll most likely just be posting a bunch of random thoughts and life updates/events that I can look back on. I can't really coherently organize all my thoughts right now, so here's just some stuff:

First: lack of volleyball.
I've been playing this sport since I was 9 years old. I loved it. I would fill up diary entries discussing practice details, game strategies, my teammates...and I never got sick of talking about it. I looked forward to every single practice. But now that I'm not really playing anymore, I just feel like this huge chunk of me is missing. I try to justify it by telling myself that I need time to study and focus on school...which is true. But I still miss parts of it. But when looking at the larger picture, I also realize that it was such an important part of my life--but my interests have changed. And thats okay, I think. With volleyball not as present in my life, I get to focus on things I really, really love to do. And now that I'm pretty much done with college apps, (more on that later!) I can also find new things that I love to do. But there's also this weird thing with me that I have to feel productive. Lack of productivity tends to be detrimental to my happiness levels. But I want to do the things I love.

Leading me to my second "chunk", for lack of a better word: things I love to do.

  • Volunteering. Lend a Hand Club, Together We Tutor, Girl Scouts, foodforphans...I can focus on these activities. And start planning a bake sale for the beginning of December!! Tentative date: December 3rd? 
  • Filming/Photography. I can keep up my video journals (more on this later too!!). I need to get my camera fixed...or get a new one. Seriously, get on that. 
  • Designing. Help design club t-shirts, and Mama's business cards for her salon. 
  • Baking. Be adventurous and try new recipes!! Bake cookies to than teachers/counselors. 
  • Working out. Abs, running, or swimming.
  • Blogging. :)
I think I need to do more of what I love.

More later,

Friday, July 1, 2016

1st Summer Video!

Here's a compilation of clips and pictures taken so far during the summer! Just get through the cringy slide show-esque first 30 seconds and then it'll get better. Also I tried coordinating switching some of the shots with the beat soooo look out for that. Maybe it'll making viewing a little more satisfying or something like that.

^That's the Youtube version, but if it doesn't work, then:

Monday, June 27, 2016

Updated Acai Bowl Recipe!

Good afternoon! Here's my updated Acai Bowl Recipe that is much easier and significantly more tasty than my previous one :)

2 packs of frozen Acai from Costco
Half a banana (optional)

Peanut Butter
Shredded Coconut
Drizzled Honey

That's it. 


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Avocado Toast (not-Overpriced)


So the other day I went to Manhattan Beach Bread & Bagel and had this AMAZING Avocado Toast, but it was almost $10??? A little pricey for toast  & avocado, but it was ridiculous how good (and healthy) it was. So here is my recipe for Avocado Toast which is equally delicious, very quick, & less expensive .:)

Step 1: Toast your bread or bagel. Usually I use this whole grain one with Chia seeds from Trader Joe's, but I'll use a bagel if I run out of the other. 

Step 2: Cut out half an avocado and roughly chop into little bits. Then, put the avocado onto you toast/bagel.

Step 3: Sprinkle on some "Rustic Tuscan Seasoning" from Costco. This is an absolute essential and I would 1000% invest in it. It's delicious. 

Step 4: Sprinkle on some salt & pepper. 

Step 5: Take a picture, post it onto your Snap story, and enjoy. 

That's literally it. And it's perfect. I think I've eaten it for breakfast every single day since last Monday. If you want to bless your soul/heart/stomach, try it. 

Pepper, Seasoning, and Salt.
Half eaten avocado BAGEL.